Jag har svårt att tänka. Svårt att få in allt som står i skolböckerna i hjärnan när det ända jag tänker på hur det kunde varit. Om allt detta inte hänt..? Skulle det varit annorlunda då? Skulle jag inte behövt gömma mig bakom en fasad fylld med lycka och skratt när det egentligen är tvärtom? Eller skulle det varit värre?
You've disappeared. Like everything else. Now who else can I talk to? I'm lost. When you left, and he left, you took everything with you. But the absence of him is everywhere I look. It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest. But In a way, I'm glad. The pain is the only reminder that he was real. That you all were.
You've disappeared. Like everything else. Now who else can I talk to? I'm lost. When you left, and he left, you took everything with you. But the absence of him is everywhere I look. It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest. But In a way, I'm glad. The pain is the only reminder that he was real. That you all were.